Yay Technology!!! Elton JoHN is at work nowadays creating a post biological self. Accodiing to NEWEEK, with the help of top A.I. techologicy guys, Elton is creating a robot Elton John that could go on tour after the he's is gone, performing his songs, --also new ones the Elton bot can write based on todyas news.
Friday, December 1, 2017
The fact is, many musicians, reeling from the shift to streaming music which pays artissts a fraction of what they used to make on CD sales -- are learning everything they can about about bots thatd help them earn big money again.
Spotify, Google and some startups, like Juke Deck, are working on AI songs. Hey,, in a decade the Grammy might go to a piece of software. Spotify recently hired Francoise Pachet, Ai Scientist, who led a company science lab for Sony, to run its new " Creator Technolgoy Research Lab." Sp;otify is looking into the possiblity that virutal artists playing on Spotify, can earn the company a ton of money without paying royalties.
Pachet is careful not to sound greedy He a recent interview he speaks of AI reveerentlyh, as songwriting partner tha tay " lennong needed a a McCartney. Pachet, and a a group of other AI scientific specialists, instrtucted Ai software to write a gong and instrumentation that mimics the Beatles. Using, Humans to create lyrics, they they refined the AI arrangement. The result' a song posted online "daddy's Car" sounds as if the Beattles cranked out a chipper jingle.
Meanwhilie, IBM iis worikintg on AI with Watson which uses using other techonolgies as a hlpers, and produced--with AI and a real artist, Alex da Kid to create a hit sont"
Not Easy." . The various soft ware e machines sucked up lyrics of more than 26,000 bill board Hot 100 songs; analyzed the music to find patterns the keys, chord progressions and comeup withwhat IBM now calls " emotional fingerprints" -- rFiguring out what makes a hit, inlcuded Analyzing New--well-- Newsweek York Times, front pages, blogs, tweets, plots of big hit r movies. Thee resulting son "not Easy' (Newsweek says: "Itshows that AI can't yet guarantee a hit."
Hey, AI hasn't written a hit yet doens't mean it won't. the sheer number of songs it can write guarantees that it can. Beattles recorded 237 original song;.,s Jackson 137, Ai can too, iin the time is takes Mccartney to press a pinao key.-- AI canme tens of milioins of songs, and one of them might thrill us, knowck us out.
JHey elton john may help. ou'd be able to watch a fresh" live" Elton John Concert through virtual realty glassedz.
Hey, I like music, I'm not sure I like where this is heading, but I'm sharing with you what I;ve learned, so you can be in tune with the times.
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