Em asks John why "King Lear" is a role he yearns to play.
John is eager to explain what the character, the plot, and Shakespeare's marvelous language in this play, convey to him about a man and his family.
More than any other play, what this play says about humanity touches John Cullum.
I have to admit that I have never read or seen King Lear, although I am familiar with much of Shakespeare.
John makes the character sound so rich and the play so facilitating, that he totally drew me in with him.
I, however, beg to differ about Shakespeare needing to be re-written in the next hundred years. It has always survived throughout the centuries as is and I believe it will endure as it is in the next century.
John as Lear I would have to see. If I was a producer, I would set up a production immediately!
It is the most recent production I have seen of Lear (some time in the last decade) that has meant the most to me. Timothy West was Lear at the Old Vic and the production was as clear as a bell from the hands of director Stephen Unwin when he was at English Touring Theatre. I don't think the usual critics were enamoured but I certainly was.
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