Saturday, October 8, 2011


Oops, this video came out very yellow and we ought to record it again, but the second time might not be as much fun as this first time.

Where is living day-to-day better? Where's the better place for John Cullum, for Emily Frankel to earn a living?

It doesn't matter to Em, writing can be done anywhere. But John needs to be in NYC. In LA, even 10 years ago, JC found himself sitting around, sometimes for months, without even an audition for a grandpa role. In New York City there's always work. Auditions, play readings, meetings, benefits, tributes.

Life for the Cullums, living in the heart of Manhattan, means noise, congestion, shopping problems -- getting food and supplies. Home means climbing five flights. They don't have an elevator in the building they own -- an 100 year old 5 storey loft building where they have a big home on one floor, a theater, dance studio and offices on another floor.

Life is LA is easier, more relaxing -- there are stars in the sky, wonderful vegetation, flowers. But John and Em agree, life in NY is what they want right now.


Anonymous said...

You and John have a golden hue about you today which gives the video warmth.Lol! Again, a delightful time hearing you discuss the pros and cons to living in NY verses LA. I am glad you both are staying in NY-seems right for you and John even though shopping is hard and leaving your building. It seems natural that you have made your nest egg in NY and are true blue NEW YORKERS! kam Kathleen Ann McGee

Linda Phillips said...

Loved this post as I can so relate to it...having lived in NYC almost all of my life until 15 years ago, when I too moved to CA. I also live in a beach resort town...but many hours north of Malibu.

As a creative person, NY is THE place to be...but if your life changes, as mine did, there is nothing more wonderful than living in CA.

I miss the theatre and all of the other cultural aspects of NY that I so adored all of my years there, but life is sooooooooo much easier here! There is no question about it.