Sunday, December 5, 2010


Emily Frankel asks John Cullum who his favorite movie actors are.

John tosses off the names -- Humphrey Bogart, Henry Fonda, Marlon Brando, Jimmy Stewart, and Cary Grant.

"But who did you want to be?" Emily wants to know.

John, somewhat hesitantly at first, reveals he never wanted to be like another actor, but movie acting was his dream.


Linda Phillips said...

Me too! All choked up! What a love you two share! Its so tender and so touching and I love you both as well!

Kevin Daly said...

What fantastic taste you both have! Big fan of many you mentioned (plus an avid Kate Hepburn champion as well). But what struck me most about the post was the way JC was able to delineate with great clarity the difference b/w stage and screen acting.