I feel about John Edwards the way I feel about Elliot
Spitzer, Tiger Woods, and now, Al Gore.
Why must we destroy strong men because they needed sex?
I remember the wonderful, patriotic, affirming way Al Gore bowed out of the election in 2000 --" Let there be no doubt, while I strongly disagree with the court's decision, I accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next Monday in the Electoral College. And tonight, for the sake of our unity of the people and the strength of our democracy, I offer my concession."

The work Gore has been doing for our country, and for the world, on Global Warming and preserving the environment is "gold."
Whether the masseuse is looking for the limelight and money or not, if he grabbed the woman in his hotel room out of desire inspired by the thousands of Do It, Get It, sex nagging pressuring ads, remnants of ads in the air ... because he was worn out from a day of working on audiences ... so what?
iger Woods has spent most of the years of his life, mastering golf, competing, and winning -- making his father's dream for him come true. He needed sex -- for whatever reasons he wanted 'wicked" sex outside of what he got from his wife. Let him be -- let him strive on, win on, be the amazing, winning golfer that he is.
Spitzer is a brilliant political leader, who realized he functioned better after quick, casual sex with a hooker (
not love-making with his wife that required him revving himself up). He was
publicly destroyed and punished, now he's rebounding. Let's use him. He's a sharp-minded, creative,
knowledgeable problem solver. The city, the state has problems that
Spitzer knows how to solve.
John Edwards -- we don't know anything about his side of the story -- a son killed, a beloved wife with an incurable cancer. I suspect the Edwards family didn't have much of a sex life ... possibly haven't had sex for a long time, and sex is in the air from the moment
JE got up in the morning -- after a worry-filled, restless night -- running for election, worrying about his wife, his two kids, his body inviting him during the night to DO it by himself -- unable to because of her, because of him being 57 and what her cancer made him feel.
Why am I am sympathetic, supportive? Because the man needed sex, and despite his belief in loyalty, fidelity, despite his love for wife, reality was hitting him -- he was not going to nominated. And suddenly, out of the blue, a girl-
ish babe offered him fun.
John saying the baby wasn't his was a failed rationale. If
Rielle Hunter was making-out with another guy, maybe Elizabeth would understand -- John knew she DID understand that he, like she, was frightened about her cancer -- about where they were heading.

When the scandal broke, John Edwards knew he wasn't going to be president, but there was plenty of important, good work to do -- aside from their two children needing both their parents, the poor people in their city, their state, in Haiti, and El Salvador needed the help of Mr. And Mrs. John Edwards.
He's living alone now, wandering, cut off from all his old friends, and people who worked with him and for him. A man with his abilities drifting, not working -- that's cruel punishment.
Yes, I know the wives, Tipper,
Silda, and Elizabeth are deeply hurt, suffering, haunted by what happened.
Yes, I know that a man who cheats on his wife is selfish, disloyal, unfaithful, and can never again be trusted. The love that was once shared is tarnished, and probably the shine, and glow of what it was before, is gone, and can never be restored.
But we aren't married to Gore, Woods,
Spitzer or Edwards. We need them to be and do what they can do so wonderfully well.