... slippery floor ought to be mopped ...
... burnt out hallway florescent that needed to be replaced ...
... that letter I needed to write ...
... phone call I should have made yesterday ...
... a pain, just a twinge -- an iota of discomfort I felt yesterday ...
Is it a muscle? An old injury? What unknown trouble could be besetting me? Some weird polyp? Cancer? Which doomful decay that's been mentioned on television, has attached itself to a twig of memory about a painful spot that's bothered me, that I've put out of my mind?
I whisper inwardly Oh c'mon, forget it.
I'm still thinking about the twinge as I sit down to write a post for my blog. I don't write a word. I am thinking a million little thoughts while thinking Oh boy, this is going to be a lousy, bad, unproductive day.
I tell myself sternly -- think about all this stuff later!
I reach for my calendar. I lift it off its hook; obediently murmuring think about it later, and put the calendar on my desk; grab a pencil, and in the box with next Monday's date, I write "weird pain," and put a question mark next to it.
And sort of mischievously, scrawl "write letter" in tomorrow's box, print "phone call" on the day after tomorrow -- one-by-one I relegate florescent bulb, mop floor to other dates, disposing of the nagging, distracting little worry thoughts.
Is the distracted, worried feeling gone? Maybe ... maybe not ...
I go for a walk. Outside is cold and nasty, It's not a day to mail a letter or shop. Just doing something that I wouldn't ordinarily be doing, I mosey into the hall, walk upstairs, walk around and turn off some lights, and in the kitchen, take out coffee things.
I make myself a fresh cup -- my own. homemade "Starbucks." Instead of one scoop of Colombian Roast, I use three, and pour water into the filter gradually so the taste will be stronger.
It's delicious smelling ...
I sit and sip, dawdling a little. Am I okay? Well ... maybe I'll catch the day half way.
I'm at the computer, writing this. Yep -- if you're having a bad day, you have to find a way to give yourself a command --

Catch the Day Half Way!