Meet Tucker Max, a knowledgeable, published, bestselling author who says he will get your book for sale on Amazon, and elsewhere.
Give his company, "Book In A Box," $15,000, and 12 hours of your time.
Though you have no agent, no publisher, and no time to sit down and actually write, he will get a book out there for you. All rights and royalties will be yours. You'll get a copy of the finished manuscript that you can take it to another publisher, and get it published as a hardcover, softcover, ebook, or audio book.
If you don't have the money to invest, Max has another way to write your book for you -- an online free download -- or for $10 or you can buy the "how to do it" information as a paperback.
"Book In a Box" software that Tucker Max and his team are programming now, will soon be available for $150. They have a road map for success. After they ask you "What do you do that's valuable to your audience," what you say enables them to come up with a 5 to 10 page outline. Through a series of interviews with a would-be author, the team of carefully picked, highly accredited journalists and editors drag out the book's content.
Of course, "Book in a Box" has testimonials from authors who've say their business has doubled, and authors who are on best seller lists.

Is this something for YOU to try? Maybe...
His smile, his rather cynical but realistic concept, his success as an author -- those things say it's something to try. You could try to copy his formula, and get friends to drag a book's content out of you, but writing an outline and selling it to publishers -- my own experience says it's impossibly difficult.
If being a published author has been on your mind for a few years -- try the download, or the paperback. Hey, you might learn something important that inspires you to write a sellable book.