I fingered through the hangers in my closet, finally picked a black simple something, and elegant boots. It took an hour to dress, do hair and makeup. Then I took out the 5 white cotton socks in which I keep my jewelry. The gems on the rings are real, the cotton protects them from getting scratched or dusty.
I picked the Amethyst for my left hand, Emerald on the right. What does this have to do with Elizabeth Taylor? Well ... I'll explain later. It had been a chilly day. I slipped on my red-orange-yellow knitted coat -- it wasn't a warm coat ... gee, where was the event?
Only then, did I realize no limousine had been arranged, and I wasn't sure of the address.
Off with the rings, back into the sock, socks back in the drawer! Our top floor loft (where we live in Manhattan), is reasonably safe. The fact is, I'd let the insurance policy lapse when we were living in our Malibu log cabin.
We loved living on top of a winding hill, with a driveway you couldn't find unless we faxed you a map. That's why I put jewelry in socks. I had an abundance of socks -- writing and my daily excursions to the gym were my full-time job.
When I finally got to the theater for the award ceremony, there were no seats left. With a "shh," the usher opened the door and pointed. JC was on the stage in a spotlight. I heard applause, as I edged my way in -- JC was introducing the next honoree.
Whoops! Oops! About a week later, his manager told me that his speech, thanking producers, directors, agents, and managers, had started with a long, detailed, touching tribute to me.
Wow ... Will I ever learn that the fuss you make over how you look is not as important as the moment -- being there -- on -- in -- at the moment itself?
Maybe tomorrow I'll tell you about me and my Elizabeth Taylor syndrome. Yes, I replayed the tape of JC's tribute -- yes --I think he loves me! So why have I mentioned Liz?
Click and you'll get my "Syndrome" blog.