23andMe, a well-established California company, can help you. The FDA allows them to give you facts about where you are heading in terms of your health. They also report data related to your ancestry, and have created a "Health Hub," where as a user, you can find out how others handle ordinary afflictions such as migraines, and depression.
23andMe was founded about 7 years ago by two women, Anne Wojcicki, and Linda Avery, who have top-drawer credits and years of experience in the field of genetic testing. Since we are made of cells and there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in every cell, this company's DNA testing can give an ordinary person (like you and me) a window into their DNA. You will get a DNA report that a doctor must explain to you.
Cost: 23andMe DNA Health and Ancestry Reports: $139.00. Other companies, charging $1000 to $5000, do DNA testing, but none offer to get your results in eight weeks and include a conference with a doctor.
23andMe reports your potential for these diseases:
Alzheimer's; Parkinson's (central nervous system disorder); Celiac disease (inability to digest gluten); Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (risk of lung and liver disease.); Primary Dystonia, (uncontrolled muscle contractions); Factor XI deficiency (blood-clotting disorder); Gaucher (organ and tissue disorder); Glucose-6(aka G6PD), (red blood cell condition); Hemochromatosis, (iron overload); Hrombophilia, (blood-clot disorder).
Galavanting on the Internet, I've looked at videos and comments of medical people and ordinary folks with pro and con opinions about DNA testing. I read a blog by a man who bought the 23andME testing kit and was on the verge suicide because of the bad news.
Are you thinking hmm...? Would you rather keep floating along, dancing along the way you’re dancing, or would you at some point -- go ahead and find out where you’re heading?
Me, I'll keep dancing. What about you?