Los Angeles Times wrote about the Klatch cafe with branches in Southern California and San Francisco that's touting its $75 a cup as the world's best.
Being a coffee nut, pissed off by $75 a cup, I checked out "Ten Great Coffees" online.
I started with Hawaiian
Kona Coffee, price $34/pound. The online article said "
has a fantastic flavor and unique taste. Most sellers use a blend of 10% Kona coffee and 90% cheaper variety. Make sure you buy and consume 100% Kona coffee." I drank Kona coffee when my husband was shooting the film "Hawaii." We were living in the Ilikai, a luxurious hotel in Honolulu where all the actors lived for a couple of months. Since the film company was paying our bills, I figured it was 100% Kona. But the hotel -- 8 a.m. till 7 p.m, constantly had loud
bang-bang noises because it was being renovated. Living there was lousy and room service Kona coffee was lukewarm.
I drank
Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee, $50/pound, known for it's mild taste, when I was performing with my dance company in Japan but it made me sleepy.
Saint Helena Coffee--$79/pound intrigued me since Napoleon Bonaparte was ardent fan of its caramel and citrus flavor but you'd have to visit the island where he lived in exile, to taste it.
Civet |
Very expensive coffee -- civet coffee,
Kopi Luwak -- costs 160/pound. Indonesian Asian Palm civets, consume the beans, ferment them, deposit the coffee beans in their feces from where it is collected and processed.
Elephant |
The tip-top
most expensive $500/pound coffee that's favored by coffee afficionados,
Black Ivory Coffee, like civet coffee, it is made by elephants that consume the beans. Their feces provide an especially robust flavor.
Guys, I have to say drinking a cup of civet or elephant poop is just too too icky. Next time we visit our son who lives in North Hollywood, we'll visit our friends in southern California and won't mind paying $75 for a cup.