What's forgotten is not forgotten.

Oh, that face, blank eyes, that embarrassed, face-aching smile.
I'm picturing:

nnie Cochran -- confident, smooth -- oh, I respected him, but disliked him -- seriously disliked him when he played what commentators called the "race card." And Johnnie Cochran's
race card is now, part of our culture, used again and again.

The fashionably dressed Marcia Clark -- she made her appearance every day in a different outfit, distracting us. Why oh why was she was in charge of the prosecution? I didn't feel she was strong or tough, or sufficiently experienced. I can't help blaming her for that "not guilty" verdict.

Kato -- we sneered at him as a sponger who was hoping his friendship with O.J. would pay off. Yes indeed -- it did pay off -- Kato Kaelin became a name and has had a career, sort of, based on what he is.

I liked Mark Fuhrman. The evidence he dug up and presented was
so important -- what an awful time he had because he said he never used that
no-no-word. Convicted of perjury, the validity of his findings was diminished -- the evidence was dismissed, because he'd used the
no-no-word. Was that the beginning of the woeful things that happen to anyone who says nigger?
What happened to Alan Dershowiz, Barry Scheck, Robert Shapiro, the Goldman family? Is Judge Ito still a judge? What's Denise Brown doing now, and O.J.'s pal, lawyer Kardashian, whose family has ballooned into celebrities that plague us every day with their nonsense?
O.J. -- all those scenes, the players, those faces expressing their attitudes -- when was it-- almost 20 years ago, and yet it's still
so vivid in my mind.
Seeing that monster today in his prison uniform, that fat-face, that face-aching grin -- he's not the hero, not the self-loving, utterly confident guy he used to be.
He's National Enquirer news -- caught stealing cookies as he left the prison cafeteria -- a prison guard digging into his shirt -- prison guard throwing O.J.'s stolen oatmeal cookies on the prison floor.
I'm celebrating -- wowy, yay, hurray -- a slob's greed displayed to the world -- the disgraced foolish, self-centered murdering monster O.J. -- yay -- stuck in prison for at least another four more years.
I still see and am still morally disgusted at how O.J. looked as he heard "not guilty." And the other players in the Trial of teh Century, -- where are they, what happened to them? I looked it up -- it's fascinating to note how much tragedy has befallen the "dream team."
Enquirer said it cost over $20 million to fight and defend him; there were 50,000 pages of trial transcript, 150 witnesses involved in getting that not guilty verdict. I find myself thinking for a second about Casey Anthony, and what's her name who testified for 18 days ... her name? Jodie Arias. Will we ever forget O.J's name?
If you're curious to see what happened to some of them, how they look now, and what they're doing now --
here's ABCs report.
No -- we who watched the Trial of the Century will never forget O.J. Simpson.