The UK's Financial Times reported that since the first robot killing in 1979, in a factory, there have been fewer than one a day -- that "Factually robots have reduced deaths from industrial accidents because robots are used for most dangerous jobs. The robot that killed the Volkswagen worker was designed to work in a cage away from humans. The next wave of robots are being built to work alongside humans, with scanners and sensors making them aware of the people around them. This was an accident, not a warning about future threats."
Meanwhile Mashable.com -- the leading global media company with 24 million followers and 42 million monthly visitors, that keeps the digital generation informed, said that toilets, zippers, and pants cause more deaths than robots. Mashable suggests that we are obsessed with the idea of a robopocalypse, because we fear becoming obsolete. Since software and algorithms are "squeezing humans out of jobs-- it's far easier to joke that robots are going to take over world, than it is to have a tough conversation about their impact on workers. Perhaps it's time to stop fretting about a robot's self awareness and work a little more on our own."
Fear gets us to buy products, buy into ideas -- like robots are usurpers of jobs, potential enemies, foes who someday may be running the world. I don't buy overly advertised anything -- I just hold on tight to my own common sense and instinctive mistrust.
Maybe that's what you need to do.