She went on about being single, mentioned her ex-partner, her friendship with Mel Gibson, and why she hadn't ever come out publicly about her two kids, her mom's dementia, and her temptation to quit acting.
The audience was riveted.

What fascinates me about Foster? The mish-mash of characters she's played -- in "Silence of the Lambs," the elegant, brave, persevering Clarice -- in "Taxi," that boyish, prepubescent, wonderfully wise kid. Though the two Jodies re-appear in many other films, they're never distractingly similar, and they're believable, freshly convincing.
Yes, reverberating in the background, there's Hinckley (that guy who tried to kill Ronald Reagan), who said he did it to impress Jodie Foster. Also other tidbits -- Jodie graduating from Yale -- Jodie sharing her life with a girl friend, not a husband -- the fact that she has two sons.
The long list of films in which she's played significant roles, the many awards she's won, her many nominations as best an actress, her directing credits -- her down-to earth, business-woman's acumen is evident in her career, and her private life.
Anyhow, during her Golden Globes speech, after calling her girl friend "my righteous soul sister in life," Jodie thanked Mel Gibson as one of the people who "saved" her.
Whoa! Was it a religious reference? I remember reading that Foster has said that she is an atheist, that she and her children celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah.
Why was Mel at the Golden Globes? Was he trying to rebuild his name? Did he know he was going to be mentioned?
The idea of Jodie and Gibson is stuck in my mind. She directed and co-starred with Mel in "The Beaver," back in 2010, when the Catholic Mel had already divorced his wife of many years, beat up his girl friend, had public tantrums, and condemned Jews. The charming, handsome, multi-talented Mel, back then, was already the off-his-rocker-Mel, whose horrific actions destroyed his stardom.
How many other folks -- seeing Mel in the audience looking very surprised -- did the math, and wondered if he'd fathered one of her kids? (Got to admit, I checked -- one is 14, the other is 12).
Pardonnez moi, for my typical fan thoughts -- I can't help picturing them cuddling -- Jodie's been telling us that she's a babe who does whatever she feels like doing.
Hey, the real Jodie is the wise kid, the grown up brave woman with a super smart mind of her own, and the ability to make choices, and go for what feels right. Yep, I think Jodie Foster really is Nell -- a very powerful woman who doesn't need approval from anyone.
Like "Nell" in the film.