In March, Hollis' second book--"GIRL, STOP APOLOGIZING," another socko title, was almost instantly a best seller. It's basic advice that tells you to make a goal plan, and go for it. Her tone of voice inspires you to stop worrying about what others think of you, while author Rachel reveals her own shortcomings--that she's bad at sex, she's had a boob job, her guilty mom "sins"--she's not always there for her kids--how she's peed in her pants, and has hair on her toes!
Back in 2015, she published this picture with this comment: "I have stretch marks and I wear a bikini. I have a belly that’s permanently flabby from carrying three giant babies, but I wear a bikini. My belly button is saggy, Those marks prove that I was blessed enough to carry my babies, and that flabby tummy means I worked hard to lose what weight--they aren’t scars ladies, they’re stripes and you’ve earned them. Flaunt that body with pride!" It went viral.
Her honesty, her courage, impresses me. She inspires women who aren't sure what they want, more than what they already have, and gives them permission to pursue a dream, and be more than a wife and mother. In this video, I loved seeing and hearing her. (The guy's her husband, Dave.)