Back in the days of O.J. we were watching a wealthy, famous actor, former sports hero, curious about the grisly double murder..

His prosecutor, now an older-wiser Marcia Clarke, was one of our commentators on Casey Anthony. . It reminds me of how Marcia got off track with her chic outfits and overly meticulous, inept handling of the evidence.
O.J.'s nine month trial had a fascinating cast-- Nicole's sister, the Goldman family, flamboyant Johnnie Cochran, the "Nigger" word on Furman's lips, the dream team -- F. Lee Bailey, Dershowitz, Kardashian, Uelman, Scheck -- the names still ring a bell.
Nicole and Ron Goldman's bloody, violent end is still a vision in my mind, and from it, I think, grew my interest in various murder-death shows. Aren't there more of them than ever? I suspect that producers and ad agencies love them -- ratings experts prove murder-death is what audiences want to see.
Yes, I have written about this before. It's on my mind. I need to say it louder.
Murder-death is easier to watch than news about what's NOT being taken care of -- what major elements of my life are being jeopardized by a Congress that is hell-bent on stopping our president, killing all his problem-solving plans. I think it's a lynching.
Yes -- I mean LYNCHING -- as in the days when Southerners lynched "niggers." Obama is a black. Republicans don't want him running their country.
His White House, is stuck, stalled, not working. Democracy is stuck, stalled, not working. The Republican's tactic works. It stops progress on every major issue. They don't care what it costs Americans.
I don't need to list what's not happening. You know what's on the list. I think it's endangering everything in my life and yours.
Oh yes, yes sir, yes ma'am -- it's much better, easier-- it's entertaining and diverting to focus on what Casey did or didn't do and why. It gets our emotions percolating, fires up anger and passionate curiosity. Was Casey's need to get rid of the child because her mom loved the child, because "Mom loves Caylee more than she loves me?"
In O.J.'s day, we had photos of Nicole's battered face after O.J. beat her up, and the sound of an Akita dog howling, descriptions of corpses too bloody to be shown. Now we have an adorable Caylee -- visions of duct tape with a heart-sticker on it -- a darling little girl decomposing in a garbage bag
We've got great tragedy, horror -- how, did the child die? We've got the "Not Guilty" Casey -- her wardrobe, hairdo, boyfriends, the book deal, the movie -- all her celebrity doings, what will happen next in her life -- for entertainment.
I think it's out of whack, and wrong that I'm absorbed and interested and writing about this again. But I am convinced that it is significant, a statement about the state of things throughout our country.