Hackers, according to what I've read in reliable places, are smart guys who figure out how to get into anything and everything that's private..
In a recent Time Magazine, I read that the # 1 smartest-of-smart social-networking guys have formed a group to do unto others what others have been doing unto them.
Oh no! Well ... probably YES -- they're H A C K I N G.
Sean Parker, 33 former head of FB, founder of Napster, Ron Conway, 62, money man, investor, Mark Zuckerberg 29, FB kingpin, Joe Green, 29, Zuck's former roommate who's a super publicist, Ro Khanna, 36, Silicon Valley lawyer who is trying to unseat Google's founder, Larry Page -- those are the main guys in Fwd.us,

These wonderfully rich, smart, billionaires are planning to control what happens in D.C. by using lobbyists -- buying them, involving, employing them the way big name corporation have been doing for years.
Hey, maybe we should be pleased that the smartest of smart guys are hacking the hackers who control DC. Fwd.us is working on immigration reform -- they want to be able to employ the genius, super smart guys from other parts of the world, who currently can't work here. Also, with the help of Engine Advocacy, a group that's linked in with hundreds of online Websites, Fwd.us is working on legislators -- Senators and Congressmen -- they are determined to control all legislation that affects the Internet.
Joe Green (Zuck's former roommate, who helped him evolve Facebook), said, "What we are doing can have enormous power and control of what's online, and we will use our connections to control political debate."
Wow -- this sounds like Romney -- they are looking into the near and distant future -- the days when they can maybe buy the presidency, as well as run the government.
Oh no! Well ... maybe YES.
They have the brains, brawn, and appetite. Why couldn't they become as powerful as GE, NRA, or the Oil lobby?
I can't help wondering if the super hackers are going to make life better for you and me --we the people.