Oh come on, surely you have learned, by now, that you have to look out for yourself.
No doctor can really do that for you. If you have a medical pal, (nurse or doc) you like, and can chat with freely, hang on -- maybe do something pally-nice for them -- give them a

Even if the person is your roommate, spouse, or dearest best friend, YOU need to know all the stuff in the list that follows:
Your Blood Pressure and Diet -- learn the words systolic, diastolic and know the numbers -- are you high, low, or in the normal range, and are you getting the necessary nutrients, vitamins, calories, carbohydrates, and minerals?
Your Elimination -- urination and bowel habits -- be aware of quantity, color, quality, frequency, discomfort -- all the aspects of your body's output -- the sphincter and peristaltic feelings. Are you having to work hard to empty bladder or bowel? Are you losing control?
Your Symptoms -- anything that's weird, odd, different that you're feeling, you need to know when it occurs, how often, and does it keep you from functioning normally. Include moodiness -- depressive, or suicidal thoughts, and your worries -- the events, the things you do that get you flushed, get your heart-racing. Are you ever dizzy, ever feel faint? Do you get enough sleep? Are you often exhausted?
.....Also keep track of sneezing, itching, rashes; also twinges, or dull aches when you bite or chew. Do you sweat a lot, or never sweat? What about your eyes, your ears -- are you seeing and hearing normally?
Your Exercise -- do you know what exercises you ought to do every day, or every other day, or once a week? You need to be in charge, and realistic.
.....Be aware of your arms, legs, shoulders, back -- do you wake with a backache, or aches in neck, elbows, hips, knees, or wrists? Whatever, where ever -- pay attention! And include feet, toes, hands, fingers, and thumbs, in your exercise.
Your weight and height -- are you gaining, losing? If you're shorter than you were a couple of years ago, you are shrinking as you age, so pay attention to sitting and standing taller.

B-bp/diet E-limination, S-ymptoms E-xercise W-eight/height.
B E S E W -- that's Dr. Em's, the camel's acronym
Golly, a body, your body, is a priceless gift that you own. Keep track of it. It's fascinating to know, to be aware of it, to maintain awareness. If it's difficult for you -- aha -- that means you've been ignoring you.
Get a tiny special note book. (Yes, I'm big on notebooks -- I've got too many things I have to be sure I do every single day.)
Carry your notebook with you, and put down any thought that occurs to you, and investigate it further -- by yourself, and then, if it's worrisome -- consult a trusted, highly recommended MD.

It's a fact -- the biggest most important fact of life -- you-yourself, YOU are the boss of your own life and death.