Mark (Facebook) Zuckerberg's latest plans are a very big deal. He wants to put everyone in the world on the Internet.
Philosopher, philanthropist, Zuckerberg is putting his mind, money, staff, and seer-like focus on getting the Internet to every place in the world that doesn't have it yet.
That it is a gigantic task has been thoroughly examined by a major
Time Magazine critic, who has a
not sweet attitude toward Zuckerberg as a brilliant, super-powerful, money-making guy. "Look out, everyone" warns Lev Grossman, who has published books and essays that establish him as an authority on technology as well as American culture.
Zuckerberg has been helicoptering in and out of Third World towns, meeting local VIP's, enchanting them with online goodies -- films, games, tech help, cell phones, computers, and financial support for the ignorant poor folks who are going to flock into the classroom spaces that Zuckerberg has been buying, borrowing, renting -- he's creating schools that will be connecting to communication sources that he's digging up, creating, investing in.
Why do I cringe? It's what the author Grossman describes -- Zuckerberg has broken down the needy poor into categories, and is prepared to help them in many various ways, with his newly created organization --
Internet.org -- a global partnership of big name technology leaders, nonprofits, and local communities.
Name-dropping money sources, and social studies statistics, Mark Z. sells his conviction -- that
communication connectivity makes people's lives better, improves health, creates jobs, reduces extreme poverty -- even reduces infant mortality. The bottom line, according to M.Z, isn't about money -- it's about creating wealth and saving lives.
Hey, Facebook already has more than a billion users. The population of the earth is currently about 7.2 billion. There are about 2.9 billion people on the Internet. That leaves roughly 4.3 billion people who are offline and will be put online.
Internet.org states that it can bring the Internet to the two-thirds of the world’s population that doesn’t have it.

Here's the link -- browse the
Time Magazine cover story --
praise it, hate it, love it, applaud him, cheer or boo him -- whatever. I find myself thinking that sooner or later Mark Zuckerberg will be nominated for a Pulitzer or a Nobel prize for gifting the world with his farseeing vision of what people think, do, want to do, and be.
Yii!! ...media
connectivity? friends, followers, quick comments, photos, adorable pets, birthday greetings, instagramed sunsets, sunrises, the latest poop on celebs ...
Oh dear, more, MORE,
M O R E of what Mark Zuckerberg loves and believes in IS NOT what I love and believe in. But I'm a facebooker -- eek, oy vey,
$%#@\# -- I live in his world.