Mmm. Thinking this is porno, this isn't my cup of tea, I visited the Website. starts with a sign in page, a map of the world you click to show where you are, a button to click to confirm "I just made love." Then you zoom in on the street, the place -- hotel, apartment, car, beach, bed. There are options -- you can indicate homosexual, hetero, did you use a condom, what position. (There's a set of outlined shapes in the more common positions, or you can describe what you've invented.)
You can explore other people's "lays" on a global, or local scale. (I couldn't help being amused -- thinking of Ed , our neighbor who plays rock and roll infuriatingly loud when he's making love -- it used to drive us crazy -- now, thank the Lord, he's maybe, a once a month guy. Maybe Ed will enroll?)
Then there's a place for comments. You can comment on your performance or your partners, give yourself grades. And photos can be uploaded, when you're ;sharing an adventure. (There's a warning --"No porno!") prevents you from writing up a second event for a "realistic 20 minutes." (They're discouraging braggarts, but maybe you can submit an affidavit.)
The founder, Cyprian Ciec'kiewcz, a 26-year-old, Polish computer programmer, with a master's from the Polish-Japanese Institute of Computer Technology, started the Website back in October 2009, with just a few friends who told their friends, and it didn't take long to get a few hundred, then a thousand, and soon there were businesses who were ready, willing and able to advertise.
So it's free. Nice Ciec'kiewcz is carefully expanding, keeping the verbiage "nice," so that IjustMadeLove is a pleasant place to record your sexual activities. Newspapers, magazines, and other advertisers, are paying for it (porn people are turned down). The "London Telegraph," "Playboy Magazine," and Stephen Colbert have expressed interest in investing in the site.
Ciec'kiewcz uses IJustMadeLove after each of his own bed-hopping adventures. "Beginners" are welcome to talk about their first time, as well those for whom sex is favorite sport.
According to the "London Telegraph," Americans are in the lead for "lays." 804 were from the United Kingdom, compared to 4,409 in the United States, and seven, just seven, from Saudi Arabia admitted to having sexual encounters.
Where is this Website heading? Will it become another My Space, Facebook, Twitter, or Blippy?
I'm thinking this thing of sharing yourself-- clothes on, clothes off -- is because of our cell phones -- they're carried everywhere -- they tell you where to go, what to buy, how to get there -- you text -- you get definitions -- numbers, calculations, information about history, geography, politics, and sinful celebrities -- so why not your love life?
Eek, I'm croaking inwardly -- this won't catch on! But, maybe it will ...
Those shiny, lightweight, pretty. jewel-like shapes that fit so sweetly in your hand -- who needs a psychiatrist -- it's better than a brother, sister, cousin, parent -- your phone's your most objective, most trustworthty, dear, best pal, friend.

Or ... what the hell -- go to the address bar of your browser, be brave, and type Http://www.IIjustMadeLove. com.
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