Emily Frankel, thinking sort of poetically, romantically about moonlight and stars as a favorite time, is surprised when John Cullum reveals his favorite time is morning.
It's also her best time, a favorite time, because the day's challenges can more easily be planned, and organized.
John Cullum's schedule, when he's in a show, requires an entirely different sort of schedule -- one that Em remembers from her days on the road doing one night stands as a dancer.
Acting or dancing, the performer must find ways to make the best time of the day between 7 and 11 p.m. -- transform it into a time of heightened perceptions, and physical energy.
Right now, however, doing what they are doing career-wise, John and Em agree, the best time of day is the morning.
Enjoyed you and JC discussing the best time of day for you both. I think mine is in the morning and also then at dinner time. i seem to have more energy in the morning. I like dinner time when I can smell the food cooking and know we will sit down, eat, and have a relaxing evening ahead. I know Emily and John are both good cooks and wish sometimes I was eating supper with you guys!
Em, it's always great to have John and you on my laptop. I am going to get a large computer so that I can see more of you both. :)
You were made for one another, you two! Your joy is my joy too. God bless you both.
Incidentally, my most creative time is between 4 and 9am. I get so much work done during this time it's unbelievable.
Best time of the day is when I'm with my family :-) That's anytime! Glad you two are doing so well, very successful blog :-)
I wake up at 5, but lie in bed listening to a talking book. By 6 I get restless and have to get up. I used to feel great in the early mornings as soon as I get up, but in recent years I have to have a little coffee and EXERCISE before I feel good. Then I usually feel great.
LOL, I'm perky in the morning too. Wide awake and ready to go. My most productive time!
My fave time of the day is when I am eating. Lol.
Actually, I prefer early morning when life is very quiet.
Hope things are wonderful.
Definitely the morning. I think my favourite time of the day is about 4:30 am. Strange I know, but my husband leaves for work at 5 and that last half an hour we spend together talking and having a laugh while the house is quiet and it's just us. Once he's gone to work I get back into bed with my laptop and start my retweets and then do a bit of writing until the others all start to leave for work or uni and then I wake my 11 year old and we have breakfast together before he leaves for school. You can fit a lot of quality time into the morning hours :)
I'd love to read about some of yours and John's favourite recipes :)
Adorable as always. I love what you said about the 7-11pm time frame-so true and worded so well too. Keep up the great work always!
I love the earliest morning before the world wakes up -- AND since a kid, I have loved those moments when someone is cooking and I am done with my day. Someone is cooking (mother, boyfriend, husband) and the day has started to relax...I love that mysterious moment. A bit like what you said, Em. Which surprised me. Again. !!
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