The printed Newsweek magazine is gone.
It's now published digitally each week but I think it was going-going-gone for me when it became the Newsweek Beast. (Was it a "beast" -- an always hungry, lower form of animal, that was sniffing, tasting, devouring whatever was around?)
I signed up for Beast updates. Twice-a- day in my e-mail appeared chewed-on bones, leftovers from what the magazine had lunched on.
Oh, it kept me aware of what was happening in the world, but it was selective, and Newsweek's taste, Newsweek's politics, and the head gal who ran the magazine were imposing their ideas on me.
Of course, what I read here and there in various magazines and newspapers inspire me to Google around and learn more. And yes, Newsweek Beast and the updates were valuable. But I still miss US. News & World Report that disappeared from my mailbox a couple of years ago. Okay, Time Magazine still arrives every week ... but ... well, it's getting thinner, and often the news seems unrealistically prejudiced -- often the guys who are running Time offend me with their almost righteous pronouncements.
I'm thinking of subscribing to The Week Magazine. The head guy's point of view seems a sort of swashbuckling nasty, but he's young, more open-minded. What's nice about The Week is its box of candy style -- little tastes of everything -- pictures of real estate you can buy, photos of food that's on dining tables today, thumbnails and words about trends -- what columnists are saying, job news, world news, TV news, tasty tidbits of world gossip. The magazine is about 50 pages, not crammed with ads -- (that's a selling point for me). The Week is an appetizer.
It's up to me to add garlic, salt, hot pepper, or whatever wakes up my appetite for more.
Hey, more, and just a bit more becomes a post -- like this one for you to chew on.
Bye-bye Newsweek. Once or twice they ran pictures

And golly, I'll never forget some of their cover stories -- like these two covers that came out sometime in the seventies -- stories on the up-and-coming Bette Midler and Steve Martin.

Time marches on -- internetting is okay, but I'll miss holding Newsweek in my hands.
Great article - points well taken, and wonderful pic of you and John as 'up and comers'.
I used to look forward to Newsweek every week, especially when they had Mike Isikoff and those other political reporters who could dig out all kinds of stuff. But I'm with you, I did not like the Daily Beast version of Newsweek and I let my subscription lapse. I like to read The New Yorker.
Times change as well as staff and ownership of newspapers, magazines and other forms of media which also changes the focus. With so much information available immediately online magazines have struggled to secure a place. Newsweek and others are on our I tablet that gives them a chance to update their stories quickly which may help. Must admit I do love holding a book or a magazine and flipping through the pages. This picture of you and your John is great. Love and hugs, Heather xxxxoooo
I found an old copy of Newsweek which was dated back in the 50's before I was born. I enjoyed reading your article. Nice looking couple. You two are still nice looking. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I don't have time to read like I should, life keeps us busy. However I do read all your post. I just keep coming back.
The only time I ever read Newsweek was when I came across an old copy in the doctor's or dentist's waiting room. I agree with you though - the articles were always well-researched and well-written. Such a shame, its printed publication is no more as having a physical copy in hand is always more satisfying than reading online material.
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