CELL PHONE STUFF, March 28, 2010. Don't bother clicking the links to these old blogs, I'm just summarizing them. I wrote that blog after we searched on line, wanting to know whether or not to buy cell phones.
We were told about frequency radiation that was stronger than FM radio SAR levels, (specific absorption rate) for the different popular models -- all fell below "1.6 watts per kilogram of body tissue." It sounded sort of technical but safe, till we bumped into a news alert about lab rats dying that were hooked up to a cell phone for more than 2 hours. So, we just got another land line phone.
Our daughter-in-law gave us two cell phones. John tried to use his. I put mine in a drawer. The IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) said cell phone exposure was "possibly carcinogenic to humans," -- put cells in a category with DDT -- then mentioned increased risk of brain cancer. John didn't give his cell number to anyone, but used it to call me and tell me when he'd be home from rehearsal.


Hey, young, beautiful, famous Carrie Underwood said:
"My cell phone is my best friend. It's my lifeline to the outside world."
Jack Nicholson said:
I don't even own a cell phone.
Ted Turner said:
To be happy in this world, first you need a cell phone and then you need an airplane. Then you're truly wireless.
Jessie Venture said:
I'm going to put on my gravestone, 'He never owned a cell phone.'
Hmmm, Somehow, that comforts me.
1 comment:
We have both a land-line for most of our use and cell phones for when we're out and about. Don't use them that much. My husband can take pictures with his but I have a really old cell phone that is only good for phone calls (fine with me,). I pay only $25 a year for my cell phone!
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