Let me introduce you to Judge Alex Ferrer, 54, married, with two children. He grew up and was educated in Miami. With his JD degree from the University of Miami School of Law, he's been a police officer, trial lawyer, a renowned Florida judge, and presided over the "The People's Court" for nine years.
I like his looks; like the way he's always calmly in control, even when he's put off by disrespectful or seriously ignorant litigants. You'll see in this short video that his manner, and ironic sense of humor are fun. Alas, he recently announced that August 29, 2014 will be his show.
My new, definitely favorite judge right now is Marilyn Milian. She reminds me of me -- not just her red hair -- she's friendly, down-to-earth, often amused and unpredictable. Out of the blue, she'll expresses with a grunt (even a shout), what she's really feeling. If a litigant is fudging with the truth, she knows it and says so. She was so angry at a plaintiff recently, I wondered if the network executives, worried about losing advertisers, would fire her.
I have to admit, Marilyn isn't just a distraction that gets me exercising. I have, on a couple of occasions, postponed my workout and watched an entire segment.
Hey, maybe my favorite judge is a perfect distraction because so many things are annoying -- things you take for granted suddenly change -- the time, the price, the procedure changes. The rules change, and favor the sponsor much more -- intolerably more -- than what you can accept. You are forced to find something or someone else. Marilyn gives me a chance to rage against changing times.
1 comment:
Every day of my life I get a more than an eye opening slice of the real world up front and personal, because I drive public transport for a living..interacting with the people that are shuffled under the rug as they pop up.
And so I have learned as my Mom would say to "Pick sense out of none-sense", so the only TV judge that does it for me is Judge Mathis (Judge Alex would be a close second)...he keeps it real...the rest are just playing to the crowd, and choose the social misfits they can brow beat...but then...the rest of America is really oblivious to what actually goes on with the other more than half...humoring the situation settles the conscience I do believe of those easily paniced.
I actually prefer to know how close the wolves are.
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