John Cullum is no longer in the show that I mention in the video -- "Scottsboro Boys," which was a cast, music, and a memory that stays with him. Off Broadway, or on Broadway, it's not the success of the show, but the family feeling he had with the actors, director, and stage crew that he cherishes.
I feel the same way about my favorite gift -- it's not very expensive, not very rare -- just a gift I was given in a light-brown manila envelope, stuffed with crinkled-up newspaper.
Why the gift is still my favorite, most cherished gift is not because of the way it looks, but what the giver figured out, and why the gift was chosen.
Your words are so beautiful in this video.
I always get 'wet eyes' when I watch and listen to it.
xo Susan-in-Ireland
Wonderful post, Em.
'Being me'.
Simple, direct, honest advice.
You two are most fortunate to have each other and want to continue to grow together. This is what life means to me. Continuing to love and explore life with my wife.
Thanks again for a wonderful post.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
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