That was just adorable. It put a huge smile on my face, I have been trying to avoid some of the political stuff today out of deep worry. First I read Hillary has it sewn up. Next I read the negative fear factors about the FBI and the Russians and all of this stuff that has been disrupting our forthcoming election and I get all stressed again. So your song and all of your wonderful silliness just hit the spot.
NEW! ... Emily Frankel and John Cullum offer lively, provocative video commentary on YouTube once a week. Click image above to go.
I'm a writer, writing things that haven't brought me fame, but continue to involve me, inspire me to find an audience.
I started out as a modern dancer, contemporary, but balletic. I didn't want to be a swan, or a barefoot dancer. I wanted to dance to the music that thrilled me as a child, and made me want to be a dancer.
I began writing in the truck my first husband, Mark Ryder and I bought, in order to carry our set, props, and costumes for a long one-night-stands tour -- eighty-eighty performances in eighty-eight cities.
We were performing "Romeo and Juliet" nightly, but our marriage was breaking up. Every day while our stage manager drove us two-hundred miles or so to the next booking, I'd type a detailed description of last night -- what we did well, what we argued about, and a travelogue about the town, and comments from the people at the nightly party.
Recovering from the trip and the divorce, I sent my "car book" to a friend who said -- "Em, it's great, but ..." And that became rewrites, and another book. Then, my marriage to actor John Cullum, and then a play that got produced, and another book, big hopes because a famous agent loved it. The title and concept changed five times -- now it's been published, finally, as "Somebody, Woman of the Century." You can buy it, or read about it and my other five novels on Emily
I didn't turn it off and your laughter was very infectious!
That was just adorable. It put a huge smile on my face,
I have been trying to avoid some of the political stuff today out of deep worry. First I read Hillary has it sewn up. Next I read the negative fear factors about the FBI and the Russians and all of this stuff that has been disrupting our forthcoming election and I get all stressed again. So your song and all of your wonderful silliness just hit the spot.
Your silly , Blessings
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