Nevertheless, I went with what appealed to me, and ignored the Martha Stewart recommendations for furniture, floor coverings, curtains, silverware, dinnerware, as well as glasses, wine goblets. The ultra fancy stuff that lyricist Alan Lerner bestowed upon us (8 huge, Baccarat crystal beer mugs), and other expensive treasures from other famous pals, sit on the high shelves above our uniquely orange and black kitchen. (Not colors that M.S recommends.)
Okay, I am not a fan. I have never bought a Martha Stewart book, though I admire her queenly, confident, courageous dealing with the good and bad things that came her way, especially the way she handled being in jail, back in 2004 and 2005.
For lying to federal investigators about a stock sale that the IRS deemed, "inside information," Stewart received the minimum sentence: 5 months in prison, 5 months of home confinement, 19 months probation, a $30,000 fine and all court fees.
Since then, aided by guesting on television shows, and the press coverage of her many, many appearances at openings, celebrity gatherings, and award ceremonies, Stewart's been expanding her name and her domain.
Her latest venture is Martha and Marley Spoon. She is now offering and promoting what quite a few companies have been offering since 2014 -- meals in a box. Dinner arrives in a box filled with all the raw material (ingredients and seasoning), and a beautifully printed, easy-to-follow routine. Follow it and in about a half hour you can be a gourmet cook.
My opinion: Meals in a box is not what the younger generation -- generation that's younger than Martha, or younger than me (whatever age you think I am) -- wants or needs. I think that youngers want to be IN with other people -- they want to go out, be out, do things their own way, try different things, even exhaust themselves doing whatever they feel like doing.
Hey, I bow respectfully to Martha Stewart, but now seems to be a time for fun -- pleasuring, amusing oneself, and being bravely outrageous.
How do I know?
I see it, feel it, sense it, have been studying, researching, talk-writing about it, while functioning creatively in the real world. I am in the real, real world, much more than Martha Stewart.

The look of Martha in this photo could be her reply.

Since then, aided by guesting on television shows, and the press coverage of her many, many appearances at openings, celebrity gatherings, and award ceremonies, Stewart's been expanding her name and her domain.
Her latest venture is Martha and Marley Spoon. She is now offering and promoting what quite a few companies have been offering since 2014 -- meals in a box. Dinner arrives in a box filled with all the raw material (ingredients and seasoning), and a beautifully printed, easy-to-follow routine. Follow it and in about a half hour you can be a gourmet cook.
My opinion: Meals in a box is not what the younger generation -- generation that's younger than Martha, or younger than me (whatever age you think I am) -- wants or needs. I think that youngers want to be IN with other people -- they want to go out, be out, do things their own way, try different things, even exhaust themselves doing whatever they feel like doing.
Hey, I bow respectfully to Martha Stewart, but now seems to be a time for fun -- pleasuring, amusing oneself, and being bravely outrageous.
How do I know?
I see it, feel it, sense it, have been studying, researching, talk-writing about it, while functioning creatively in the real world. I am in the real, real world, much more than Martha Stewart.

The look of Martha in this photo could be her reply.

This is me.
This is me.
Love the way you express your thoughts in your talk-write style. Must say, I agree with you about much of Martha's ways. she often makes much ado about nothing of importance to this old Hoosier broad. Sign me, You-know-who...MSN
No Doubt She's The Best At What She Does But It's Just Not The Style For Me LoL = By The Way She Has a New TV Show On VH1 w/ Snoop Dogg
I do like her better since she went to jail. I think it made her not seem so arrogant anymore. But no thank on the boxed meals lol
No matter what people may think of Martha Stewart, l personally believe she's an assertive, self-confident lady cares little about what others think of her. For once,she's not there to amuse any souls. She does what she thinks is right. That makes her be vulnerable to the machinations of the malicious people.I'm not in any way defending her wayward behavior, because the has to take its course, but there's someone who doesn't care at all when a misfortune befalls on someone they perceive being their threat. The fact that she suffered a jail term and accompanying penalties doesn't make her a bad "guy" for how many of us have even done worse things than she did. The difference between her and us can just be one. She was unlucky to have been caught up by the long arm of the law and we weren't.
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