north fifth street.. in harrisburg pennsylvania the SHABBY RATHER DINKY OLD HOUSE A SMALL OECE OF LAND with NO GRASS TO MOW had one TREE THAT SHED LEaVES that I raked on SATURdAYS when DADDY DRwhere he drove me once a week TO HIS dress FActory on the SIde of town. schoool mates a once a sweek dmired some of the sample dresses dad gave me usually a sample dress t--will lways remember the blue AND WHITE BLUE AND WHiTE DRESS THAT I ASKED school mate Martha - "do I look like a danceR? MARTHA SAid NO BECAUSE IT WAS NOT A DRESs SINCE IT WAS NOT A DRESS my SCHOOLS BEST DANCER WHO DID "toe tape dancing" like GOLDIE SHAwl. T i took dance lessons i OOK LESSONS THE LINNEKIN SCHOOL. MYTEACHER WAS GUNDREN.GALLOWAY. SHE GAVE ME cHIFFON SCARF to WAVE AS A I DANCED, AND PRAISED THE WAY i DID A 'tour jete.
I was not good at math and best friend MArTHA COLON and FLUNKED ANd DIED whEN DAD GAVE ME A mexican sstyle that Martha said was "CUTE "when we moved to 1822 my sister miriam had an attic room where I LEARNED TO DRAW, and lived in a room wHERE I COULD PRACTICE AND STRETCH MY FEET which were never great feet for dancing.
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