Em asks John Cullum if he ever prays for something special -- ever asks a fairy god person to grant some very personal wish.
"Like what?" John wants to know.
After JC and Em share a few, rather silly, mostly unrealistic, personal wishes, they realize, like typical parents, more than anything in the world they want dear God and the Tooth Fairy to make their son's (JD's) dreams come true.
Perhaps I would wish for a vacation for the family. Just the four of us.
All inclusive in a chic hotel. On a beach.... Able to watch the sunrise.
And John needs to get organized in the head.....lol
Oooooo, I just thought of one.
A boob lift. With no pain from surgery.
Great blog! Lol! Enjoyed you and John talking about the tooth fairy. Fixing your building up and JD getting a major TV role sound like good wishes to make. I might wish to win the lottery and then I could pay off my bills and publish my books myself! kam
I hope that your wishes for JD come true. What wonderful parents you are, putting your son above all else. That is so very Em and JC and shows what loving parents you are.
I have experience & mastery in day dreaming for others...
I wish your JD to possess or orginate a script so unique and original,(the right vehicle for him) that it melts the hard hearted big money studio suits with the open collars so that JD might right his own ticket ala writer, co-producer, actor in and feel the success of 'making bank' as well as the thrill of making artistic internal soulful bank.
The best studio suits for the job might indeed wear skirts, could be one them women owned, independents ala Drew Barrymore's company and my mind can't quite grasp the other ones right now..there are several top female independents not quite running under the radar, but doing very well out in Cali.
And I'd never count out Mr. Clint Eastwood either. He has proved himself quite masterful in all facets of that Hollywood out there.
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I would wish that whatever change (been positive) that has come over my daughter this past 9 consecutive days of goodness would stay and work with her. I'm loving it and she is genuinely happy. I know it's not a new or an old beau.
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I would wish for my Grand to be able to get over his tendency to incomplete his homework. Really a serious issue. When he does the work, he does well, he got 24 pts out of 24 pts in public speaking last week. It isn't easy being 13 years old and standing up in front of a classroom of your peers.
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I wish the actual teeth fairy for myself..whoa I got some bad teeth need taking out soon and this g-ma needs some dentures. I don't know if that would get me out of the house to socialize more. It's bad enough to make me too self-conscious to do church greeting and funeral duty.
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Pfwheww and as a general world wide wish ~ I wish people would really know what is wrong and what is right and choose to do right.
Always luv you & John Cullum when you make videos. You daydream wish for me and I'll continue to daydream wish for you and your JD. How about that? !!! I'm @grammakaye on twitter.
Em, hopefully zed business will triple
And wouldn't it be wonderful if JD's great job brings him to New York frequently.
I love every single word you write! They 're so special as you are, Emily.
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