I've said it before and I want to say it again -- Whoopi Goldberg is uniquely "somebody" in every area of life -- private and public.
Her energy and more than her name are involved in helping people, in greening our country and other countries, saving children, saving animals ... Thinking in every direction, I wonder if there's any area of one's existence that she's ignored -- hasn't done something -- hasn't been involved?
Yes, I met her -- had a lunch with her -- blogged about her in 2009. We're both older and wiser, and have done a lot of things since then. Join me on the trip I made today, wondering how Whoopi feels about what's happening in our country today.
Her page in Face Book has 168,484 "likes." On Twitter, she has 99, 191 followers. She's major -- a major woman affecting what many other people think. On YouTube there's a video feast of what Whoopi has said, and done.
Here she is -- raising money for PBS, Sesame Street and the Muppets.
Whoopi, who's been wild and been through many ups and downs herself, is sympathetic and troubled about Lindsay Lohan, who keeps breaking the rules, heading back to jail. Like Whoopi, I'm fascinated by this exceptionally talented young girl. I keep hoping Lohan will outgrow it (like Robert Downey Jr. did), and take her place in Hollywood as a successful actress.
Oh boy, I loved this episode of THE VIEW about the Kardashians -- love what Whoopi, Barbara Walters, and Joy Behar say-- I can't stand the K sisters -- especially Kim, Kourtney, and Khloé -- they're my pet hates . . .
Aside from Whoopi's mile-a-minute brain, I delight in her wicked, almost, but not offensive, view of body functions -- she gets me laughing, enjoying her laughing at herself.
Bored by ALL of the Housewives shows, ALL the over dressed, desperate-to-look young spouses carrying-on about nothing, I enjoyed this VIEW -- though Black History isn't all that important to me, what Whoopi has to say about blacks makes me interested.
What about Whoopi's weight? She's getting larger and larger -- I wonder if it affects her sex life -- from what I know about her, I can't imagine this sexy woman doesn't have a lover. Anyhow, what Whoopi says about weight is great! I bet it helps a lot of overweight men and women.
Hurray for Sherri, Joy, (even Elizabeth), and Whoopi's tossing pantomime! What a comment,, what a woman! Here's what I said about her in December 2009: WHOOPEE FOR WHOOPIi
Yes she is so wonderful!
Good Monday morn Ms. Em! I think I once read an autobiography about Whoopi. I can't remember if she authored it herself.
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On occasion the tv set will be on when The View comes on, but other than that I gave up on watching 'The View' regularly.
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Here's the best thing about Whoopi that I personally can identify with. She's not perfect, she's evolving. Sometimes she gets more information or more experience and changes her mind on or about some subjects, comes to a new conclusion. Other subjects she holds FIRM to her point of view.
She has that public profile and therefore that public eye watching her. In all things she efforts to stay 'grounded' and true to who she is. Whoopi knows who she is.
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For these reasons, I can identify, relate and appreciate Whoopi.
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Thanks EM for another great blog post and writing. I suspect many of us regulars know how hard you work on doing all this. I also suspect many others out there have no idea on how hard you work to maintain and continue such an elevated standard of blogging.
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Much much much love to you Ms. EM, your John Cullum and FAMILY (JD, this means you). Ima @grammakaye on twitter.
What a wonderful blog about Whoopi! I love her and everything she does and stands for. She is a shining star and wonderful lady with wisdom and wit. I loved her in the movie-Jumpin Jack Flash-soooo funny! Thanks for sharing about this great woman comediam star! Kam
Love Whoppi and love her straightforward, in your face, sheer honesty.
She is a person, who like me, says it how it is. She does not sugar coat it nor does she restrain herself. She truly shares her voice in an honest yet respectful way.
We love u...
I've always loved Whoopie! My ex and I first discovered her years ago when she was doing a Broadway show which had been recorded for HBO.
I have followed her career ever since. I also read one of her books, again a very long time ago.
What I love most about her is her brutal honesty. She says exactly what she thinks and stands up for what she believes in.
I'm so glad you did this piece on her, Em. Thank you!
Grate,but I think the right word to describe this has not yet been found in thi era and civlization
I like Whoopi too. I have always enjoyed her movies.
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