I've moaned about trash in four blog posts and two videos.
My husband, John Cullum, and I, even wrote a musical about a garbage disposal machine -- titled it "Roseanne." It was never submitted to producers -- two dear friends clobbered it -- Phil Burton, Richard Burton's stepfather, and Stone Widney, Alan J Lerner's right-hand man. They said, "Forget it. People won't buy tickets. No one wants to see a musical about garbage."
So, the script sits on a shelf in my office, in the trash pile of discarded projects, but I think about it. It comes to mind Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, when we take the trash bags downstairs and the super deals with the sanitation trucks.

A silent evil it is -- dark, stinky awful -- according to wisegeek.com: Each of us produces about 4 ½ pounds of garbage per day, or 29 pounds per week, or 1,600 pounds a year. You could form a line of filled-up garbage trucks and reach the moon; or cover the state of Texas two-and-a-half times; bury more than 990,000 football fields under six-foot high piles of waste. wisegeek.com says we throw away enough aluminum to duplicate the full commercial air fleet of the U.S.
And let's not forget those un-disposable things -- nuclear waste that's shoved, buried, re-buried, and plastic bags, and diapers.
Okay, there's some good news. Scientists can extract a substance from garbage -- succinic acid -- it's used for making machine parts. The process is tedious and costly, but they're working on making it easier and cheaper. And from coffee grounds, furniture, odor reducing fabric, and soaps are being made.
Also there's "gasification" now -- complicated machines that burn garbage, and "Gasifiers" have been built and are being tested that can turn garbage into usable power, such as fuel, and electricity.
Holy cow, why not do that everywhere, do it now?
The usual reasons -- money, approvals, committees, legislatures, laws. Meanwhile, New York City's Mayor Bloomberg is implementing a plan that will require all residents to recycle food scraps -- that's about 35 percent of what we throw away. It can be comverted into compost, a valuable resource for farmers and landscapers, and will save the city hundreds of millions of dollars by diverting waste from our already overfull landfills.
Hold the thought -- since John and I routinely recycle our trash and garbage, and soon we'll be doing food scraps -- golly maybe ... just maybe ...now is the time to revise -- pull "Roseanne" out of the trash, update her, and see what producers think.
Humans move by inches, it's just the way we are. When it comes to 'garbage' it's the same.
Garbage has been the yuk you toss and someone else takes care of it.
It's really a resource that we've denied/ignored as being 'too hard' to mine.
We simply have to focus our energies and attention to the issue and we can solve it.
Waste will always be an issue but we can handle it. \
The exception is nuclear waste. It doesn't go away.
Solution is to shoot it into the sun. They wont do that.
So we must stop all nuclear production before this planet becomes to hot for life.
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