Without answering Emily Frankel's question, southern Baptist John Cullum describes his mother praying.
Emily reveals, that despite her agnostic background, she finds herself instinctively praying for help from "Dear God."
The Cullums realize that they both pray, in different ways.
I think that you and I are similar in our "praying" Em. I don't worship a deity. I am spiritual and believe that god is love. God is the Universe. God is in every living creature, but not a single being.
However, when the chips are down, I find myself saying things like "Oh god, please help me!"
So there you are, for whatever that is worth.
Interesting topic today Em. You and John made it amusing and entertaining about praying. You both pray but in different ways. 3 yrs ago when I was dying, the Hospice chaplain came over and we prayed everyday. Ifound much strength and faith restored in doing this. I would pray that God would give me more time to live and so each day since I pray and have lived 3 yrs longer so far. Prayer is a powerful thing. kam
Twitter-style: @EMTalkery #IWasAsked #DoIPrayNHowWouldIAnswer?: bit.ly/WgJwRy #YHVHSabaoth is my #CreatorGodFather, #MommaEarthIsOURCollectiveLOVEexpressed
It is almost a form of meditation for some to ask for guidance from someone out there.I think it helps people to pray.Gives hope and peace to a troubled life.
Another great post guys.
Ah, John, 'we'll talk to ourselves again next week' classic! If only more people doing video blogs were as honest and relaxed as you guys.
Interesting subject and far too sticky for me to get into here. I don't believe in all that stuff but I find 'goddammit' and 'jesus' creeping into my conversations all the time.
I guess it's a cultural thing. Cities are peppered with beautiful buildings that were built during the dark ages of slavery but I don't look at them and think 'those poor slaves', I guess in the same way I say things like 'oh Jesus' without making the conscious connection to christianity.
I do worry that I might accidentally offend some of my more religious friends, especially those from other belief systems, with my occasional pseudo-christian ourbursts.
To be honest, I can't think of a better phrase to utter when, while stumbling about half asleep in the morning, you stub your toe against the bed post than;
'Jesus H Christ!' or similar (I can't publish what I REALLY say here, of course)
Thanks again Em and John for another wonderful post.
Dan :)
I love the topics you come up with Em! Yes, I pray. Not only to ask for help and to make situations better, but also I make sure to thank God for all of the blessings in my life. Sometimes we get bogged down with focusing on what is 'wrong'... and we need to also remember what is 'right'. :D
I pray all the time, and when things happen I will ask God to help me. I know there is something better than this life, meaning with NO sickness or pain and all the bad we have in this world.
Yes I pray. You all make it very interesting.
Em, your praying seems to be more like mine in ways. However I don't ever use the God's name in vain.
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