Have you seen any e-cigarette commercials yet?
This photo (on the left) was an e-cigarette ad in my February Time Magazine.
In the television commercial (below), you'll see a very satisfied guy smoking NJOY KINGS, the top selling e-cigarette. This TV commercial has been running nationally since December, 2012.
It's the first smoking commercial to run since December 31, 1970, when Virginia Slims ran its final commercial on the Johnny Carson Show, one minute before the new year began, and commercials for cigarettes -- ads in newspapers, on TV, in and on buses, taxicabs, signs on highways and in Times Square -- were illegal.
Yes, back in the seventies, in between Nixon, Watergate, and all that madness, there was a huge hullabaloo over cigarettes and cancer.
Well, nowadays, you buy a starter kit, a small rechargeable battery, a replaceable cartridge, and flavors. When you inhale (drag on the cigarette), it activates the cartridge, which vaporizes the solution in the cartridge, into vapor that looks like smoke but disappears in seconds. The tip of the e-cigarette is blue so that if you are smoking in a 'no smoking' area, it lets people know you are smoking an electronic cigarette.
The NJOY KING promotes the fact that it looks and feels like the real thing.
Invented in 2003, e-cigarettes account for less than 1% of the current $80 billion U.S. cigarette market. But sales for e-cigarettes have doubled every year since 2008 and will probably reach $1 billion this year. And Big Tobacco is watching, making plans. (Hey, think "Apple" -- doesn't this sound like when Apple was starting out?)
After you've bought your starter kit ($40 to $175, depending on how fancy, reliable you want it to be), the e-cig itself costs around $8, and lasts about as long as two packs of conventional cigarettes. It's the same length, same diameter, odorless with a plastic ash tip that resembles glowing embers -- it has a papery feel to it -- even the “filter” is a bit squishy -- yes, it reproduces the full experience of smoking.
Oh yes, there are worried health guys. A recent University of Athens (Greece) study proved that nicotine vapor in e-cigarettes led to an increase in airway resistance, making it harder to breathe and leading to lower levels of oxygen in participants’ bloodstreams. Yes, other authorities, are criticizing the methodology that was used for the Athens report, but the survey is bad news.
Nevertheless, the three companies comprising Big Tobacco are currently buying up electronic-cigarette companies, and creating their own versions. Lorillard recently acquired e-cigarette maker Blu, which has an estimated 25% of the e-cig market share. Reynolds is currently testing an electronic cigarette called "Vuse." They're thrilled e-cigarettes are currently unregulated by the FDA, so they can be hawked on TV, and in print.
In 2009, there was a meeting of the experts -- Jonathan Winickoff, M.D., chairman of the American Academy of Pediatrics Tobacco Consortium, and Jonathan Samet, M.D., director of the Institute for Global Health at the University of Southern California, joined Joshua Sharfstein, M.D., principal deputy commissioner of the FDA, and Matthew McKenna, M.D., director of the Office of Smoking and Health for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All these folks met with the FDA's expert, Margaret A. Hamburg, M.D, who reported that the FDA's tests detected diethylene glycol, a chemical used in antifreeze that is toxic to humans; in other samples, the FDA detected carcinogens, including nitrosamines. Yes-yes -- the products tested contained detectable levels of known carcinogens and toxic chemicals to which users could potentially be exposed.
The FDA said, "Cancer risk in humans is reduced by e-cigarettes where nicotine inhaled per puff is much less than [about one tenth] in a cigarette puff.
Hey, gee, one tenth is ... not good. It's dangerous.
Friends, Romans, Countrymen -- (former smokers and you new kids on the block) -- doesn't it sound great -- grownup, sexy, sophisticated, groovy-cool?
Yes! They're seducing you as they did before, with advice and carefully chosen concepts, and wonderful words from advertisement experts.
Don't try it, don't go back to smoking an electronic cigarette -- you'll get hooked again -- that's what Big Tobacco will figure out how to do.
Here's David Letterman, trying e-cigarettes with Katherine Heigel.

Oh for heavens sakes what a truly nutty idea. It's expensive and it's not good for you. As far as looking sophisticated and sexy -- huh? It looks rather silly. If you've stopped smoking - wise move - don't be seduced back into what is essentially the same thing via a new route.
I agree "smoking" is not healthy.
Why put toxins directly into your mouth and lungs?
If you do it often, you overwhelm the body's ability to detox and you start accumulating which when enough poison is accumulated, from all sources, you're dead.
The medical doctors will give you drugs, toxins, to add to your collection resulting in a sure fired quicker death. Enjoy!
The big companies always figure out a way, don't they?
Very funny clip with Letterman and Katherine Heigle, two of my favorite people. Fortunately, I gave up smoking about eight years ago and haven't looked back :)
One point you are missing in this article is that it is a great cigarette cessation device. I was a cigarette smoker for over 18 years and was able to transfer my habit to the much less harmful e-cig in one day. After 6 weeks of "smoking" the e-cig I gave that up completely as well and have been nicotine free ever since. So while it is true that no non-smoker should ever give it a try, I would fully suggest a smoker trying to quit try this method. It worked for me. Cheers!
How ever you are trying to turn it.. your life could have a lethal outcome ;D have a nICETime
If I was still a smoker I would try it. :D
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