Will it be another year when American democracy -- government for the people by the people -- will be stuck?
Will we be chanting, raving and ranting again over last year's litany -- debt ceiling, size of government, Obamacare, immigrants, voter rights, unemployment, environment -- again, and again, on that fiscal cliff?
Okay, tears come to my eyes because ... because I'm worried, because I'm saddened, remembering better days --yeah, sure -- probably because I was younger and ideals seemed IDEAL-ER than they do now. Anyhow, tears means I'm feeling sorry for myself -- sorry that we're into the new year, and so many things that I love -- that give me pride, make me utterly American -- oh my God -- there are so many wonderful things about America that are stymied, disappeared, no longer the law or the passionate belief of my neighbors, the millions of Americans, who I thought were like me.
Okay. I'll stand up straight and tall and sing this with you -- sing it very, very, very loudly.
I read a lot of American history, and believe me, we have been through this before.
America is a country only because we consider it so. It will never die if we do not let it die. The Constitution is a series of agreements that create the reality of America.
You might enjoy my article
Do sing, laugh and shout. Define the nay sayers!
Together we are STRONG and FREE!
ML, Carl
"#Gratitude Em 4 sharing your POV! Since I am "in love for the Last time" monogamously-shared with my MS-OH-WI man,(2 months together as a couple YET we have NOT met face-to-face YET),
I must share my recent new-2-me "LAND THAT I LOVE" POV. =D
My beau Jim will be teaching me to overcome a very real fear I have: how to shoot a gun.
Never in a million years did I ever think, let alone actually, be in love with a man who is a current, licensed conceal-carry daily wearer, no-combat veteran whose hobby is making award-winning
hand-made knives! Add to that: he is a Harley rider/ collector, he is a very cranium & facially hairy guy who exudes tremendous self confidence & that he is a 3rd degree mason amongst too many
other qualities that are too numerous to mention;
I am very blown away about how much I & my heterosexual preferences have changed since my divorce in 2002 !!! <8
As a survivor of domestic abuse, Jim is what I used to think was "the exact opposite" of what I desired in a man.
Turns out I was 1000% times wrong !!! =D Our 2013 union is our mutually shared dream/ ideal come true in flesh! How blessed we are, @SpiritChemistryALIVEinSpiritUALLYLove especially when we
do "officially" meet in person - flesh to flesh! ;-D
Ah sweet consummation of the "LAND THAT I LOVE" !!! LMAO !!!
Touche, woman-style "Vagina Monologue" shared OutLoud with you Em!
Yep, time to twitter my own line!
"Ah sweet consummation of the "LAND THAT I LOVE" !!! LMAO !!! @EMTalkery via http://www.emtalkery.blogspot.com/2013/03/land-that-i-love.html …. =D Plz review comments 4 LUTZ! ;-D
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