Hey, I don't need numbers. I see violence in various forms all day and night long -- in between ads made by creative guys who have probably grown up on violence.

All this bad stuff, immorality, unbelievably fascinating uncivilized behavior -- it's more than ever, and we are living with it.
Would more laws help? Are you impressed, and glad that Obama finally got the updated law against abuse of woman signed? Anything he manages to get through the stuck, stupid, rigid Congress is great. But it won't stop abuse.
Does public awareness help? Has anything changed since 1985

Hey take heart -- there are now lots of anti-violence organizations and efforts being made by important people to limit the uncensored freedom that producers, artists, ad agencies, TV stations, and game manufacturers have.

Not much.
What do we do -- violence is burgeoning.-- it's a reality -- we have so many other WORSE realities -- (no, I am not going to list them.)?
I'm just sad that our culture has become so large and so overloaded with mankind killing mankind, devastating the world, making it unlivable -- yes -- I'm very sad, because one of our daily entertainments is hideous violence.

Do I mean snap off the set? Change the channel when the killers with weapons start banging away?
What does that accomplish?
Not much.
Em, you are correct. If the viewers don't watch, the programming will change to reflect.
I don't watch violent or otherwise perverted versions of life.
Turning off the televison is an excellent idea. It kills people with inactivity and false realities.
Let them keep their bad news!
I guess people are feeling a lot of anger, alienation. There is something about our culture. But if you look at history, we have had a lot of violence in our past too.
I abhor violence of any kind. It truly makes me ill. When I read about the Syrians and what they are doing to female children and women...well, I can't read the entire article. It just upsets me too much.
Violence has always existed. Romans hurdled to the lions. Hitler and his atrocities. What took place in Abu grave. Only to name a few.
We glorify sports like Football and Prize Fitting. I don't get it!
I stay away from anything like that.
I am a child of the 40's and 50's. Father knew best and we loved watching "the Beaver"! If only we could revert back to a more modern version of that!
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