I didn't know what it meant but growing up, I've become NOT anti -- I'm the opposite -- a disestablishmentarian. I can't, won't, join any establishment, tradition, codification of anything, that others have defined in theater, and definitely in fashion.
The f

Actually, I met Prada at a chic party in the nineties. I was neck-to-calf encased in a black wool, turtle-neck tube dress when Prada kissed me and said I was more chic, more beautiful than anyone else at the party. I didn't' know who she was but as I was leaving the host gave me her phone number, "Prada wants to dress you."
I didn't call. I'm too busy. I don't usually bother with what to wear though, sometimes, when I can't sleep, I watch re-runs of the Fashion Police, enjoying Joan Rivers' outrageousness, ho-humming and bemused by the other girly-boyish hosts, with their passionately silly comments.
Fashion runways, like "red carpet" scenes on award shows, are tiresome. Actually, except for the skinny sulky young girls swishing down pathway, I'm not interested in runways, though one new business idea that's emerged from the recent fashion week, does, in fact, make sense. This year shoppers voted for their favorites, and the top five outfits will be produced. (IF you believe it will be done honestly. I don't.) But theoretically, getting a vote --"crowd sourcing" a dress -- implies that the fashion industry actually cares what women think.
These four dresses were chosen.
Boring, Boring, Boring. Boring.

What's the matter with me?
Nothing. I think a woman should wear what she feels like wearing, in terms of color, shock value, being different or blending in, and that what was worn 70 years ago is much more stimulating than current styles. Old cultures are fascinating. Old-fashioned designers are inspiring in the same way that famous painters, down through the ages are inspiring.
I'm saying, go wherever you want to go in your mind -- wear wings, or silver, steel, mesh, leather, plastic, or paper armor.
Gossamer is good.
Don't wear what's in fashion. Make your own.
I could not agree more. When I was a commercial interior designer (in NYC), designing major department stores, it was important that I look trendy, when meeting with clients. Its not me.
I like to wear clothes that I am comfortable in. I have owned some of my clothes for many years. I never buy trendy things. I buy things that I am comfortable in and that look good on me. They never go out of style and if they do...I really don't care.
I'm with you Em.
On "Fashion" and on "Brain Freeze" I'd like to do a combined response. Know who you are, what you want out of life, what you want to contribute to others, where you are going and what's best for you, live your life as if it were the last day,whatever you decide to do, do it with humor and aplomb. xxxoooo H.
This all makes perfect sense to me... In designing my jewelry, my goal is to give people what they want, and to wear it with whatever they choose. The most stunning, glamourous, elegant, and sexy women in the world, are the ones that go their own way...walk their own walk, and know that less is sometimes so very much more. Blue jeans, and Emeralds, with Cultured Pearls? Hell yes...the runway I'd imagine is brilliant as I've never seen one in person, one day I hope too...but for real women, it's beautiful to just simply be you...however you choose to be. ;)
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