This video conversation between us ... well, to me, it didn't ever feel as if it worked. It sort of um - um uh flounders around. We do have a Will, and your your Last Will and Testament needs to be updated. But somehow, discussing it with a camera eye on us, was awkward.
Yes, we could simply delete this video, and you wouldn't see us searching for what we needed to say about revising our Wills. There are other ways our money could be handled after we're gone, but, we had difficulty communicating.
As we chatted, it was clear to both of us, that John wasn't sure what he felt, and we both began to feel all wrong about the subject.
Here is our um - um discussion. It's interesting, even to us, as we've watched this video and see ourselves stumbling and note how delighted we both were, when we decided to STOP.
Maybe it will inspire you to deal with your own Last Will and Testament.
I think the hardest part is figuring out what to do with the things you care about, like John has to think of all his memorabilia. This can happen when you move to a smaller place and doesn't necessarily involve your will. My problem is figuring out what to do with my mother's book collection.
I have to redo my own will. Its totally obsolete and I keep putting it off. I keep changing my mind about who is in and who is out to inherit my mega fortune. ;-)
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